1 min article


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Business sellers with an eBay Shop also get access to Terapeak sourcing insights as part of their shop subscription.

Terapeak product research

With Terapeak product research, you can see how products and categories are performing across all of eBay's marketplaces. Easy-to-understand reports provide an overview of which products and categories are popular, and which strategies are successful in attracting buyers.

For customised and targeted insights about markets you're interested in, simply search by keyword or product, and apply filters such as Listing type, Start price, Buyer country, and Time of day. 

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Terapeak gives you access to years of real-world sales data for millions of items, including:

  • The number of listings and items sold for particular items
  • Average sales prices
  • The conditions of items sold
  • Sell-through rates
  • Average postage costs and the number of listings offering free postage
  • Seller and buyer locations
  • Sales trends over time
  • Unsold inventory
  • Which listing formats sellers are using

Terapeak sourcing insights

With Terapeak sourcing insights, sellers can access real-world sales data for every eBay category to develop their sourcing strategy and identify areas of opportunity. Terapeak sourcing insights is available at no extra cost to business sellers with an eBay Shop subscription. If you don’t yet have a Shop but would like to use sourcing insights, you can sign up for a Shop today.

Terapeak sourcing insights also helps Shop sellers to:

  • Source inventory based off of sold single stock listings to discover what is in or out of stock so that you can offer a competitive option
  • Research by Category to gain insights into categories which have high demand and low inventory represented on eBay

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do Terapeak results differ from eBay completed listings search results?

Terapeak results differ from eBay completed listings search results in several important ways.

  • More complete data: Terapeak search results include listings with sales, listings without sales, and active listings. eBay completed listings results include only listings whose outcomes are already known
  • Calculated metrics: Terapeak calculates a broad range of metrics for the results of any search, including average prices, postage costs and terms, competition levels, sell-through rates, upward or downward trends, and more. eBay completed listings results include only listing-by-listing figures
  • Longer time periods: Terapeak enables users to search time periods of any length, across the last 3 years. eBay completed listings results include only listings that have recently ended
  • Search specificity: Terapeak search results are intended to be highly specific to the searches that you construct; in general, a listing or sale must exactly match your search keywords and parameters to be included in results. eBay search results often include other "related" results, particularly if the search that you enter matches few or zero listings or sales
How do I refine Terapeak product research search results?

There are several ways to refine your product research search results:

  • Select a date range: Filter your results by specific date ranges - anywhere from one day to one year in duration
  • Apply search filters: Filter results by certain MPN, UPC, EPID, EAN or ISBN codes, sale price ranges, listing formats, item conditions, buyer locations, seller locations or eBay marketplaces 
  • Search by category: Filter results by transactions that occurred in a particular eBay category. To apply filters that are more specific to a particular category of items, select a category from all available sub category dropdowns (For example, eBay.co.uk > Phones & Accessories > Phones & Smartphones.) Then select Filter to see dynamic filters such as Condition, Model, Colour etc.
  • Use advanced search logic or exclusions:
    • If you search for multiple words, for example "iPhone XS Max 64GB", you'll see listings with all of these keywords (iPhone + XS + Max + 64GB) in the title.
    • You can exclude results by adding "AND NOT" or "-" in front of a keyword. For example: "iPhone XS Max 64GB -cover" will exclude listings that have "cover" in the title
    • If you add "OR" between keywords, for example: iPhone XS MAX AND (64GB OR 256GB), this will show iPhone XS MAX listings with either 64GB OR 256GB in the title
Why am I unable to view some listings when I select them?

This means the actual listing was removed or made unavailable, either by eBay or the seller.

Does Multi-User Account Access work with Terapeak?

Yes, with Multi-User Account Access (MUAA), you can delegate access to your Terapeak account so that other members can perform certain functions on your behalf. This allows you to scale your business without exposing your password and other personal details associated with the account.

To find out more about delegating and managing access to your Terapeak account see our MUAA FAQs - opens in new window or tab.


To give us feedback on Terapeak, select Comments? from the right hand corner of your Research dashboard - opens in new window or tab .

With Terapeak you get access to data from millions of online sales to identify top performing products and the best strategies to optimise listings.

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