1 min article

Page views

Page views track how many times eBay users have looked at your listings, which helps you understand how your listings are performing.

eBay provides you with the number of page views each of your listings has received. You can also view a Listing Traffic History report for each of your listings which can help you spot trends and understand how they're performing.  

What counts as a page view?

  • A page view is counted when someone views your listing on the eBay website or mobile app
  • If the same person views your listing, clicks away, and then comes back to the listing, that counts as a second view

What doesn’t count as a page view?

  • When your listing appears in a search result or an ad placement, but the user doesn't click on it to view it
  • When you’re logged in to eBay and you view your own listing
  • When your listing is viewed by a bot

A listing can have more Watchers than page views. This is because buyers can add your listing to their Watch list directly from the eBay search results page, without viewing it.

How machine or bot traffic is removed from your listings

eBay strives to filter as much bot traffic as possible from page view data, but there’s a chance that a small amount of bot traffic is included.

Bot filtering is done in two stages:

  • Real-time filtering, where bot traffic is identified and removed from your page view count
  • A secondary filtering process that performs a deeper analysis on a daily basis. This removes bot traffic that may not have been caught by the real-time filtering, so it's possible that your page views may decrease

Where to find your listing page views

You can find your listing page views in the following places:

Page view data on your listings is not visible to other users. This information is only visible to you.

Time period for the page view count

The time period for your page view count can differ depending on whether your listing is an auction or fixed price listing.

Auction listings

For an active auction listing, the view count shows the total number of views since the auction started.

For an auction listing that ended without a sale, the view count shows the total number of views from the current time going back 30 days. This means the view count for an unsold auction listing may include views made after the auction ended.

Fixed price listings

For an active fixed price listing that’s less than 30 days old, the view count shows the total number of views since the listing started.

For a fixed price listing that’s been active for more than 30 days, the view count is a rolling 30-day count which can increase or decrease. This rolling 30-day count is different from a cumulative lifetime view count, which only increases.

There are two main reasons why the 30-day view count can decrease.

  1. Once a day, the counts from the first day in the 30-day window are removed, while the counts for the next day start accumulating.
  2. After the daily bot filtering process, the count can go down if bot traffic is detected and removed.

To analyse views over longer time periods, use the Listing Traffic History Report.

Listing Traffic History Report

Wherever you see your page view numbers, you can click or tap on the number to see a Listing Traffic History Report.

The Listing Traffic History report shows your page views on a particular listing over different time periods, going back as far as two years. It includes a breakdown between page views that come from Promoted Listings ads and views that don't come from ads.

A page view is counted when a potential buyer lands on your listing on the eBay website or mobile app.

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