Is your issue not related to eBay payments, brokering, or financial services? You can use our Contact process
How to file a complaint
To make a complaint about payment or credit broking services, select the Contact Us button below. Some examples of payment-related complaints include but are not limited to delays in the disbursement of funds, blocked payouts, and account verification.
Contact usYou can also contact us by post at the address below:
eBay Commerce UK Ltd.
1 More London Place
London, SE1, 2AF, United Kingdom
Only complaints submitted by post or by contacting us will be reviewed. We don't accept complaints about our payment or credit broking services submitted through social media, community pages, or other channels not mentioned here.
If you would like to provide feedback related to other eBay policies, products, or services, please contact us through our help channels.
After you file a complaint
We'll acknowledge that we received your complaint soon after you submit it. For payment-related complaints, we'll provide a final response within 15 business days, and for credit broking related complaints, we'll provide a final response within 8 weeks of the day your original complaint was made.
After we respond
If we're unable to resolve your complaint, you may be eligible to escalate it to the UK Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). The FOS is a free, independent service which might be able to settle a complaint between you and eBay Commerce UK Limited.
You can refer your complaint to the FOS within 6 months of our final response. If you do not refer your complaint in time, the FOS will not have our permission to consider your complaint and so will only be able to do so in very limited circumstances. More information is available on the FOS website.