Once we step in, we'll review the details and get back to you and the seller within 48 hours.
When you can ask eBay to step in
Once you've requested a return or reported that an item hasn't arrived, the seller should respond within 3 business days. After that, you can ask us to step in and help.
However, if you and the seller are working on a solution, you don't need to ask us to step in as soon as the 3 business days are up. Most sellers want to help their buyers, so if you're still talking, you can give them a bit longer to sort things out. Check back regularly to see the seller's replies and to find out what you need to do next.
Check the status of my requestIf you haven't received your refund
If you've returned an item but haven't received a refund yet, you can ask us to step in and help once tracking shows the item was delivered to the seller more than 2 business days ago.
Don't leave it too long to ask us to step in and help. We'll automatically close a request if there's been no activity.
How to ask us to step in
- Find the item in your Purchases.
- Select See request details (if your item didn't arrive) or See return details (if you're trying to return an item).
- Select Ask eBay to step in and help.
- Select a reason from the dropdown menu, then select Confirm.
What happens after eBay steps in
We'll review the details of your case and will aim to resolve it in the fairest way possible. We normally come back with an answer within 48 hours, though occasionally it might take longer if we need more information.
Once we've found a resolution, we'll let you and the seller know the outcome and anything else you need to do. For example, we may ask you to send the item back to the seller.
If the resolution is to give you a refund, it will go back to your original payment method. Refunds are typically available within 3-5 business days.
If you don't agree with our resolution, you can appeal by providing new information within 30 calendar days of the case being closed.
For more information about how eBay decides the outcome of a case, see our eBay Money Back Guarantee policy.