3 min article

Get help if you bought as a guest

If you want to return an item, or if there's a problem with your order, the first step is to let the seller know. If you're not able to resolve things with the seller, you can ask us to help.

If you don't have an eBay account, or didn't sign in to your account when you made a purchase, you can still request a return or report that an item hasn't arrived. Guest purchases are protected by eBay Money Back Guarantee, if all eligibility requirements are met. So if the seller doesn't respond or you're unable to resolve the issue with them, you can ask us to step in and help.

Finding your order details

To start a return request or report a problem with an item you bought as a guest, you'll need your order confirmation email. This is the email we sent at the time of your purchase with all your order details. The subject line starts with "Order Confirmed".

If you can't find your guest order confirmation email, select the button below and we'll send you a link to your order details.

Find guest order details - opens in new window or tab

Your item hasn't arrived

First check the delivery information, and if the expected delivery date has passed, let the seller know that it hasn't arrived.

Check your item's delivery information

Your item may still be in transit. Check your order confirmation email to see the item's expected delivery date and the address it's being delivered to.

You can also select View order details in your order confirmation email to see the latest tracking updates.

What to do if you provided an incorrect delivery address

If the delivery address you provided during checkout is incorrect, select Contact the seller on the order page and see if they'll cancel the order. They can then relist the item and you can buy it again with the correct address.

If the seller has already dispatched the item, they won't be able to cancel the order. If possible, we recommend trying to collect your package from the original address.

If the tracking for your item shows that it's been delivered, check with a neighbour in case you weren't home when the package arrived and they took delivery of it for you.

Report that your item hasn't arrived

You have up to 30 calendar days from the estimated delivery date to report that an item hasn't arrived.

The seller should respond within 3 business days to provide a delivery update, offer a replacement, or give you a refund. If you're getting a refund, it will go back to your original payment method. Refunds are typically available within 3-5 business days.

Here's what to do:

  1. Find your order confirmation email. The subject line starts with "Order Confirmed".
  2. Select View order details in the body of the email.
  3. Select Contact seller.
  4. Select I haven't received my item yet.
  5. Choose No, I want to contact the seller.
  6. Fill in the details and then hit Submit.

You'll receive a confirmation email once you've created the request, which will include a link to view your request details. You can also check the status of your request by going to View order details in your order confirmation email, then selecting Resolutions.

What to do if you've only received some of the items you've purchased

If you bought multiple items from the same seller, but something was missing when your order arrived, you can follow the steps above to report that you didn't receive an item.

For sets and bundled items, if something's missing, you need to open a return request instead. For example, if you bought a set of six paintbrushes but only received four, you can return the set for a full refund or the seller may offer to let you keep the ones you received and give you a partial refund.

You want to return an item

Many eBay sellers accept returns if you've changed your mind. Check the listing to see the seller's full return policy, including how long you have to request a return and any other conditions.

How to find the seller's return policy

  1. Find your order confirmation email. The subject line starts with "Order Confirmed".
  2. Select View order details in the body of the email.
  3. Select the description of your item to go to its listing.
  4. Go to Returns to see the seller's return policy.

If the seller states in their return policy that they don't accept returns, you can ask them to see if they'll make an exception.

If the item doesn't match the listing description, or if it is faulty or arrived damaged, you may be eligible for eBay Money Back Guarantee. This means that you can return it even if the seller's returns policy says they don't accept returns.

How to open a return request

  1. Select View order details in your order confirmation email.
  2. Select Return item.
  3. Select your reason for the return and select Next.
  4. You can add a message to the seller and also upload up to 10 photos showing the item's condition.
  5. Select Confirm return.

You'll receive a confirmation email once you've created the request, which will include a link to view your return details. You can also see the status of your return by going to View order details in your order confirmation email, then selecting Resolutions.

How to return multiple items

How you request the return depends on how you bought them.

  • Sets and bundled items – You need to return the whole lot. For example, if you bought a set of paintbrushes, you can't return just one of them.
  • Multiples of the same item – You can return some or all of them, but you can only open one return for the order. For example, if you bought five t-shirts from one listing, you can return two, but you won't be able to return the other three later.
  • Combined purchases from the same seller – You can return each item individually. For example, you bought three different books from the seller's store and paid for them together at checkout. You need to open a separate request for each book, because they came from different listings.

How the seller may respond to your request

The seller has 3 business days to get back to you. How they can respond depends on the reason for your return.

You changed your mind about an item

Accept your return request and offer a full refund – You'll return the item and the seller will then issue a full refund. Check the seller's return policy in the listing to see who is responsible for return postage costs.

If the returned item is opened, used, damaged, missing parts, or is damaged during return delivery because it wasn't packaged correctly, some sellers might deduct from your refund to cover the loss in the item's value. Learn more about our Condition of returns policy.

Offer you a partial refund and let you keep the item – This can be a good compromise when the seller doesn't accept returns, but wants to offer you a gesture of goodwill – say if you ordered the wrong thing by accident.

Offer you a replacement or an exchange – Some sellers may offer the option of returning an item for a replacement or exchange instead of a refund.

Decline your return request – Sellers can decline your return request if you changed your mind about an item and they stated in the listing that they don't accept returns, or if you missed the seller's deadline to start a return.

Send you a message – The seller may ask you for some more details about your return request.

Your item didn't match the listing, or it arrived faulty or damaged

Accept your return request and offer a full refund – You'll return the item in the same condition in which it was received, and the seller will then issue a full refund, including the original postage cost. The seller will also pay for return postage.

If the returned item is used, damaged, missing parts, or is damaged during return delivery because it wasn't packaged correctly, the seller might deduct from the refund to cover the loss in the item's value. Learn more about our Condition of returns policy.

Offer you a partial refund and let you keep the item – This can be a good compromise when you're not completely satisfied with your purchase – for example, if it arrived with a minor scratch – but you're happy to keep it.

Offer you a replacement or an exchange – Some sellers may offer the option of returning an item for a replacement or exchange instead of a refund.

Send you a message – The seller may ask you for some more details about your return request.

Sending the item back

When your return request is accepted, we'll send you an email with the subject "Send the item back". Make sure you send the return by the date in this email to avoid any delays or issues in the refund process.

If you're responsible for purchasing the return postage label, make sure you use a tracked service and add the tracking number to your return request. If the item being returned has a total cost of £450 or more, it will need to be returned with a signature confirmation.

If the seller provided a return label, you can access your guest account and the label through the order confirmation email. For more information about who pays for return postage and how to send the item back, see return postage for buyers.

The condition of the returned item is important, so repack it carefully. If you return the item used, damaged or missing parts, or if it gets damaged during return delivery, the seller may deduct an amount from your refund to cover the loss in the item's value. For more information, see our Condition of returned items policy.

Getting your money back

Most sellers refund as soon as they get the item back. If the item has been returned to the seller and they haven't given you a refund after 2 business days, you can ask eBay to step in and help.

Refunds go back to your original payment method and are typically available within 3-5 business days.

Get help from eBay

Most of the time if you have an issue with a purchase, the seller will be able to solve it for you. However, we're here to help.

Here are the main reasons you might ask us to step in and help:

  • The seller hasn't responded to your request after 3 business days
  • The seller responded, but hasn't provided a resolution (for example, they accepted your return request but didn't provide a return postage label)
  • You returned the item and it's been delivered back to the seller, but they haven't processed a refund after 2 business days

Don't leave it too long to ask us to step in and help. We'll automatically close a return request if there's been no activity.

How to ask eBay to step in

To access your request details, you can either:

  • From your order confirmation email, go to View order details, then select Resolutions
  • From the email you received when you opened the request, go to See request details

From the request details, simply select Ask eBay to step in and help.

Learn more about asking eBay for help.

Close a request

If your item arrives, or if you've changed your mind and no longer want to return your item, it's easy to cancel your request.

To access your request details, you can either:

  • From your order confirmation email, go to View order details, then select Resolutions
  • From the email you received when you opened the request, go to See request details

From the request details, select Close your request and choose your reason from the dropdown menu.

You won't be able to re-open the request once it's closed.

You can start a return or report a missing item from your guest order confirmation email. Guest purchases are protected by eBay Money Back Guarantee if all eligibility requirements are met.

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