2 min overview

Postage and delivery for buyers

There are a number of postage and delivery options available to you on eBay, from tracked international postage to picking up an item in person.

You'll find the delivery details for an item, such as postage charges and the estimated delivery date, in the Postage and payments section of the listing. You'll also see this information when you add an item to your basket and at checkout. After you’ve completed checkout, you’ll see the cost of postage and an estimated delivery date in your order confirmation email.

Bought an item and want to check when it should arrive?


Our guides below will help answer any questions you might have about postage and delivery on eBay.

Help with postage after you've bought your item

Tracking your item

Learn how to track your item all the way to your doorstep.

Get help with an item that hasn't arrived

Find out what to do if your item hasn't arrived by the estimated delivery date.

Changing your delivery address after a purchase

Find out what to do if you need to change the address your item is being sent to.

Saving through combined postage

Save money by combining postage when you buy more than one item from the same seller.

Postage rates and delivery options

Delivery date options for buyers

Find out when you can expect your item to arrive, and get information on free postage.

Postage rates for buyers

Learn about postage and packaging rates on eBay.

Buying with Click & Collect

Learn about eBay's convenient Click & Collect options, and collect your order from one of our eBay Collection Points.

International purchases and postage for buyers

Everything you need to know about buying from international sellers and the benefits of eBay International Shipping and the Global Shipping Programme.

Collect in person

Discover how to find, collect and pay for items that are available to pick up in your local area.

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