2 min article

How buyers can cancel an order

If you want to cancel an order, you'll need to contact the seller and ask if they can cancel it for you. The seller can either accept or decline your cancellation request.

If you need to cancel an order, let the seller know as quickly as possible. If the seller has already sent your order, they won't be able to cancel it.

Cancel an order

Keep in mind that if your purchase contains more than one item, the entire order will need to be cancelled – you can't cancel individual items.

Cancel an order you made within the last hour

If you made your purchase within the last hour and the seller has not yet shipped the order, you can start a cancellation request, asking the seller to cancel your order. Here's how:

  1. Go to Purchase history - opens in new window or tab and find the order you want to cancel.
  2. Select the More actions dropdown menu and select Cancel this order.
  3. Select Submit.

We'll send your request to the seller and ask them to accept or decline the cancellation within 3 calendar days. If the seller accepts, we'll then send a confirmation of cancellation to both your registered email address and your eBay Messages - opens in new window or tab.

Cancel an order you made more than an hour ago

If it's been more than an hour since your purchase, you need to contact the seller and ask them to cancel it for you. Here's how:

  1. Go to Purchase history - opens in new window or tab and find the order you want to cancel.
  2. Select the More actions dropdown menu and select Contact seller.
  3. Choose Request to cancel this order, then Contact the seller.
  4. Explain to the seller why you need to cancel, and select Send.

You won't be able to cancel an order if you've already reported that the item didn't arrive or if you've requested a return.

If the seller declines your cancellation request, or if they've already shipped your item, you'll need to wait until you receive the item and then start a return request. If your order wasn't canceled or you're waiting for a refund and the order is past the estimated delivery date, you can report that the item hasn't arrived.

You can find more information in our Order cancellation policy.

Cancel an order for an item with local pickup

For orders that involve collecting the item in person you have these options to request a cancellation:

  • I couldn’t pick up the item
  • I changed my mind
  • The item doesn’t meet my needs
  • I need the item to be shipped

Cancellations for items with local collection are possible up to 30 days after you purchased the item on eBay or up to the point the item is confirmed as collected by you. An item is confirmed as collected in person when the seller scans the collection code we provide you with when your purchase is local pickup.

If you change your mind or use the wrong delivery address, contact the seller within an hour of your purchase. If the item hasn't been posted yet, you can request that the seller cancels your order. If it's been longer than that, or the seller has already posted the item, you'll need to contact the seller.

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